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Kimberly Kafafian, Founder

Kimberly is the proud wife of a Federal Agent, and also the daughter and granddaughter of Law Enforcement Officers. Kimberly believes that employee engagement and employee satisfaction starts with talent management. Helping candidates find their right fit is her personal passion: fit within a corporate strategy, fit within a company's culture, and fit within an existing team. Kimberly founded Blue Line Talent Group after spending over two decades in corporate Human Resources. She is tremendously honored to support LEOs as they transition their careers and repurpose their mission in life.

Nicole Martin, Partner

Nicole Martin is the person you want in your corner when looking for a job. Her positive outlook and paired with 15+ years of Human Resources experience results in unstoppable determination to figure out any challenge LEOs and FLEOs face while looking for that next role in their career. A Certified Professional Coach (through Leadership That Works, an International Coach Federation accredited program), Nicole utilizes both her in-depth knowledge of recruiting along with a keen emotional intelligence to guide clients through what can feel like a murky, overwhelming process of job hunting.

Dan Zimmerman, Partner

Dan is a career human resources professional with over 25 years’ experience in organizations large and small across a diverse range of industry segments. A longtime advocate for more robust and thoughtful career development, he is deeply committed to assisting LEOs and FLEOs as they cross the bridge from public to private sector employment.

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